Posted By Veiled Muslimah on/at 8/26/2007 02:26:00 PM

Assalāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi Wabarakath,

Below is the last Khutba, the Video and text, of the Caliph `Umar ibn `Abd al-`Aziz. May Allah subhanna wa ta'ala be pleased with him. Ameen. He was part of the Umayyad dynasty. He is also from the family of Umar Ibn Al Khattab, radi allahu anh, one of the four rightly guided Caliphs. He was a God-fearing, pious and noble Man and ruled with the commandments of Allah subhanna wa ta'ala. Very rarely do we see leaders like him and in todays World, we need leaders like him.

[You need to switch the Qur'an off playing on the left]

خطب عمر بن عبد العزيز
آخر خطبة خطبها فقال فيها

‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-`Aziz (rahimahullaah) said in his last khutbah:

[يا أيها الناس]

O people,

إنكم لم تخلقوا عبثاً
ولم تتركوا سدىً

Indeed you have not been created for mere play
Nor will you be left in vain

وإن لكم معاداً
ينزل الله فيه للفصل بين عباده

And for you is an appointed time
Wherein Allaah will descend to judge between his servants

فقد خاب وخسر من خرج من رحمة الله
التي وسعت كل شيء

Truly the failure is he who has left the Mercy of Allaah
which has encompassed all things

و حرم جنة عرضها السماوات والأرض

And who has been forbidden from Paradise,
its width as wide as the heavens and the earth

ألا ترون أنكم في أسلاب هالكين

Don’t you see that you are indeed in a destroyed plunder

وسيرثها بعدكم الباقون

And those after you shall inherit it

كذلك حتى ترد إلى خير الوارثين

Like that it will be, until it is returned to the Best of Inheritors (Allaah)

و في كل يوم تشيعون غادياً ورائحاً إلى الله

And everyday you are going back and forth escorting (someone) to Allaah

قد قضى نحبه
و أنقضى أجله

His term has been settled
And his life is over

أتودعونه و تدعونه في صدع من الأرض
غير موسّد ولا ممهّد

Will you then bid him farewell and call him from the rough and unleveled cracks of the earth?

قد خلع الأسباب
و فارق الأحباب
و سكن التراب
و واجه الحساب

He has left all provisions
And left his beloved ones
He has settled to live among dust
And is due to face the reckoning

غني عما خلف
فقير إلى ما أسلف

He is free from what he has left behind
And in dire need of what he has put forth

فاتقوا الله عباد الله
قبل نزول الموت و انقضاء مواقيته

So fear Allaah O servants of Allaah
Before the descent of death and the coming of his time

و إني لأقول لكم هذه المقالة
وما أعلم عند أحد من الذنوب مما أعلم عندي

Indeed, I say this to you
But none knows as much as I do of the sins (I have) earned

استغفر الله و أتوب إليه

But I seek the forgiveness of Allaah and repent to Him

ثم رفع طرف ردائه و بكى حتى شهق
ثم نزل فما عاد إلى المنبر حتى مات

رحمة الله عليه

He then lifted the ends of his cloak and weeped…
Then he got down and did not return to the minbar until he passed away
May the Mercy of Allaah be upon him.


[Courtesy of Sister Fajr]

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Musings, Articles and Ramblings of a Muslim Woman which range from a variety of different subjects.

Location: Dubai - United Arab Emirates.
The believers are only those who, when Allâh is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses (this Qur'ân) are recited unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone).
Surat Al-Anfal - Verse 2
The Holy Qurán